Chapter 27 of Biggles and Son Posted!

Not sure how many people are actually still reading this, to be honest, but here it is: Chapter 27 of Biggles and Son!

Read it here.


  1. Well, I am and looking forward to Chapter 28

  2. My comment appears to have been eaten in cyberspace, but I did leave one when I read this. I also want to know what happens next.

  3. It might have been eaten by the spam filter which I have set to eat up all the spam messages that kept coming in (very very annoying, and there are sooo many of them every day. You'd think people would have better things to do...)

  4. Somehow I missed this a couple days ago. Off to read it now!

  5. I take it that it wasn't a pleasant read...*evil grin*


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© The Algy Chronicles
Maira Gall