Quiz: Which Algy Lacey are you?

Ever wondered which side of Algy’s personality is most like your own? 

With my love of WWI insane and sometimes suicidal Algy, it should come as no surprise that I'm...

Take the quiz: Which Algy Lacey are you?
This quiz was made by Joanna
Are you a Biggles fan? Take a look at the Biggles yahoogroup!


  1. Oh, so I am Crazy Algy - wasn't expecting that!

  2. I'm crazy Algy,too. Something must have rubbed off on me.

  3. Crazy Algy rubs off on everyone sooner or later :P

  4. Ok, I took the test a second time and managed to come out Violent Algy instead of Faithful Algy. Nice change...
    But most of those Algy pics are quite horrid, by the way! Whom do I kick in the back for that...?

  5. Violent Algy! I don't remember seeing that in the results! Good one.

    I've met the person who made the quiz through the Biggles Yahoo group, but I don't think she's responsible for the pictures. Maybe she got them off the internet somewhere?

    I try not to look at the pics too much...

  6. Haha! Just started browsing through the Algy chronicles again today after a month (much as I'd love to keep up and read about Algy every day, time constraints mean that I pop back here every once in a while). I'm sorry to say that I AM responsible for some of the pics (except the Charming Algy, Violent Algy and Faithful Algy ones which I have credited accordindly) :) In my defence, they were drawn many years ago when I was about 17! (Other members of the Biggles yahoogroup have commented in the past that my mental image of Algy looks a little too "Chinese"!)

  7. He doesn't look very much like the Algy in my head. I imagine him as a cool dashing chap who's always grinning. He looks quite serious in your pics.

  8. That said, welcome back (sort of), and hope you're enjoying yourself on the blog!

  9. I took it again and this time I was crazy Algy too - rather to my surprise :-)

  10. Sooner or later we all become crazy Algy mwhahaha.


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© The Algy Chronicles
Maira Gall