Biggles and Son: Chapter 13.

by Sopwith

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own, any of the Biggles series characters used in this work. This fan fiction was written for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered part of the official storyline.

Warning: Non canon type fan fiction works may contain severe time mix-ups and character deviations. 

Algy turned and came face to face with a man that he presumed to be Brechovich. He was tall, clean-shaven, and surprisingly well-dressed in an expensive suit.

“Stefan,” said Jane, taking the man’s hand and gesturing to Algy. “This is Robert Smith, the pilot I was telling you about.”

Inwardly Algy cringed at the appallingly simple pseudonym, but he said nothing aloud, not wanting to give the game away. Brechovich’s eyes settled on Algy with interest mixed with suspicion and he said, “You fly good?”

The Russian’s accent was thick behind the badly spoken English—Algy thought he could discern traces of an American accent somewhere in the mix, but again he did not comment, merely replying in a non-committal manner, “Good enough.”

“He’s very good,” Jane put in, the compliment at direct odds with her earlier hostility.

She snuggled closer to Brechovich in a way that made Algy’s eyes narrow, but again he said nothing, although mentally he was starting to feel the first stirrings of anger. How could Jane treat Brechovich in such a friendly fashion? It simply wasn’t decent! He was starting to think that it was a good thing that Biggles was not at the scene after all. “Goodness knows what he’d do if he saw this,” was his unspoken thought.

“Good, huh?” Brechovich, oblivious to Algy’s rage, was continuing to look him over with mildly suspicious interest. “You need money, yes?”

Again Algy’s answer was non-committal, although this time it was because his mind was elsewhere. “It’s always nice to have money around, I suppose.”

To his astonishment the Russian reached into a pocket and pulled out a thick wad of banknotes, handing them to Algy. “Here,” he said. “Half now, half later. Wait outside. We fly in one hour.”

“Fly where?” inquired Algy, but Brechovich was no longer listening. He had turned away and was making his way towards the bar, arm raised to signal for a drink from the bartender.


Biggles pounded on the door and shouted until he was hoarse, but no one came to let him out. He briefly considered climbing out of the window, but a quick glance at it was enough to convince him that he could not possibly fit through it.

“What sort of game are they playing anyway?” he muttered to himself, sinking weakly down onto the bed. “They seem quite keen to make sure that I’m here at five in the morning, at any rate. Still, it’s a bit rich of them to lock me up in here.”

He took a glance at his watch and decided that perhaps it would be better to get some rest, for it was almost midnight.

He had expected to spend a restless night, but surprisingly he drifted almost instantly into a deep sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.


Biggles woke to find the sun streaming into his face. Blinking the sleep out of his eyes, he sat up slowly, wondering where he was. Gradually the events of the night before came back to him and he threw back the covers in a panic, casting a horrified look at his watch as he did so.

It was half past ten—five whole hours past the time specified by Brechovich.

Striding to the door, Biggles tried the handle again. It was still locked. However, a small tray had been placed beside the door with a simple meal arranged on it, so clearly someone had been inside the room since he had been imprisoned in it.

“How long are they planning to keep me in here?” he wondered aloud, as he picked up the tray and carried it over to the bed. “Strange treatment for a pilot.”

It only took a few moments for him to dispose of what little food there was on the tray. Having thus refreshed himself, he began to think seriously of a plan for escape.

Obviously the door was locked, and unless it was opened by someone coming to collect the tray, he did not see any other way of escape through there. The window, as he had already noted, was too small for escape, but perhaps he could use it to deliver a message, possibly by throwing his cigarette case through it. Surely the pub would be open again that night and hopefully one of the patrons would notice the gleam of the case and be tempted to pick it up.

Of course, there was always the risk that the case would be picked up by one of Brechovich’s men, in which case the message would be wasted.

“Still,” he mused, “it’s worth a try, at any rate.”

Taking a pencil from his pocket, he wrote a brief message on a page in his notebook and then tore the page out. Emptying the cigarettes in his case onto the bed, he then proceeded to fold the paper and place it inside the case. Satisfied with his handiwork, he collected his cigarettes and put them back into his pocket before picking up the cigarette case with its vital message.

He peered out the window. There did not seem to be anything much around except for trees and bushes. It did not look like the sort of place where many people passed by.

Biggles weighed the cigarette case experimentally in his hand before throwing it with all his strength out of the window. It hit a low-hanging branch of a tree, bounced, and then dropped out of sight into the middle of a clump of bushes.

Disappointed, Biggles was just turning away when the bush spoke.

“Ouch!” it said, indignantly.

Biggles stared. “Hello?” he called.

The bushes moved. A figure emerged. “Dad?” said Sebastian.


  1. Ooh - wasn't expecting chapter thirteen yet! Lovely surprise pressie :-)

    Brochovich really should be warned not to overlook Algy's anger like that. When Algy gets angry he doesn't shout - he's more apt to start blowing things up...

    Love the last bit :D
    Sebastian to the rescue?

    Happy Christmas everyone.

  2. Oh thank you - what a lovely Christmas present Soppy - chapter 12 AND chapter 13. Just love the way you brought Sebastian back in :)

    Happy Christmas to you too!

  3. Thanks so much for posting this! Haven't had a chance to read it yet *_* I'll have a good read of it later though :)
    Happy New Year to you all x

  4. Two full chapters to get my teeth into! What a treat on a really dismal day! Looking forward to more, Soppy.


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© The Algy Chronicles
Maira Gall