Biggles and Son: Chapter 8.

by Sopwith

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own, any of the Biggles series characters used in this work. This fan fiction was written for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered part of the official storyline.

Warning: Non canon type fan fiction works may contain severe time mix-ups and character deviations. 

Algy returned to the Mount Street flat to find Biggles, Ginger, and Bertie sitting on one side of the dining room table, facing a defiant-looking Sebastian. Algy advanced warily into the room, taking his jacket off and slinging it over the back of a chair. “Hullo,” he said causally. “What’s all this?”

“Sebastian’s just been telling us about his mother,” said Ginger, in an oddly expressionless tone of voice. “Apparently she’s in London, on the trail of a Russian spy.”

Algy said nothing. He looked at Biggles.

“She left a message telling Sebastian to make contact with me,” said Biggles heavily. “I think she might be in trouble.”

“Bit of a coincidence, don’t you think?” murmured Ginger sarcastically.

Again, Algy said nothing. He could think of nothing to say even if he had wanted to say something. He wondered how on earth he would manage to accomplish the impossible tasks Air Commodore Raymond had set him without giving the game away.

For a brief instance, he wondered if it wouldn’t be better just to explain the whole situation to Biggles and allow him to make his own decision on the matter, but one look at the overflowing ashtray in front of Biggles was enough to convince him to keep his silence.

“You don’t have to help if you feel that way!” snapped Sebastian. “She wants my dad to help her, not you! You can stay out of this!”

“You keep a civil tongue in your head, my lad,” began Ginger warningly.

“Or what?” demanded Sebastian, leaping to his feet and almost knocking his chair over. “What are you going to do, big boy? Beat up a thirteen year old? Come on, then!”

“Now, hang on, old boy, there’s no need for such theatrics!” murmured Bertie, as Ginger too leapt to his feet and glared across the table at the furious Sebastian.


“All right, all right,” interrupted Biggles. “Sit down, both of you. There’s no need for that. We’ve got enough to handle as it is.”

Sebastian opened his mouth as if he were about to argue, but Algy put a hand on his shoulder and the boy subsided. “Sit down,” murmured Algy, and the boy complied, albeit sullenly.

“She gave Sebastian a means of contacting her,” said Biggles, addressing the remark to Algy. “We’ll try it tomorrow and see what happens.”

“She’s probably all right anyway,” Sebastian added, with a defiant glance at Ginger. “She’s a fantastic secret agent; she’s got out of some really bad situations on her own.”

“We’ll see,” said Biggles, exchanging a glance with Algy. “For now, you’d better go to bed. It’s late.”


Algy woke the next morning and padded out into the front room to find Biggles on the phone. The conversation appeared to be an intense one, so Algy seated himself at the dining table and helped himself to some tea and toast while he waited.

Biggles finally put down the phone and got up to join Algy at the table.

“What was that about?”

“I made contact with the agent Jane mentioned in her letter to Sebastian.”

“Already?” Algy was dismayed. “Couldn’t it have waited until we had more time to discuss it?”

Biggles shrugged and lit a cigarette. “What’s there to discuss? If she is in trouble, we’ll help her; if she isn’t, we won’t.”

Algy took another bite of toast and considered his answer carefully. “Are you sure we should be doing this? I mean, she may be your wife, but you haven’t seen her for over ten years. She might have changed from the person she was.”

Biggles took a puff on his cigarette and said, “What are you saying?”

“I’m just saying, don’t have too many expectations.”

“Expectations?” repeated Biggles incredulously. “What sort of thoughts do you think I’m thinking?”

“I don’t know,” replied Algy. “Frankly, that’s what worries me the most.”


The call came late that afternoon. Biggles had been sitting by the fire, pretending to read a book. It was easy for the others to see that his thoughts were elsewhere, because he only turned the pages of the book about once every ten minutes.

Biggles leapt to his feet as the phone rang, bounded across the room, and snatched up the receiver whilst the others stared at him. “Yes,” he said, into the phone. “Yes, yes…I see. Where? All right. And when? Good. Yes. Many thanks. Cheerio.” He hung up the phone with irritating deliberateness and turned to the others. “That was Jane’s contact,” he told them.

“What did he say?” asked Sebastian.

“Jane needs one of us to pose as a pilot willing to help the Russians smuggle weapons out of the country.”

“Really?” said Algy, feigning innocence. “And when would this pilot be needed?”

“Tonight. They’ve arranged a meeting place in East London for Jane to introduce the pilot to the Russian spy she’s supposedly working for. This smuggling business sounds rather urgent. With luck, he could reveal the location of his secret weapons in the next day or so.”

Algy dreaded asking the next question, but he did it anyway. “And which one of us is going to be the pilot?”

Biggles looked astonished. “Me, of course. Who else did you think it would be?”

Algy opened his mouth to object, but before he could do so, an unexpectedly ally piped up. “I don’t think you should do it, Dad,” said Sebastian. “I mean, what if something happened to you and Mom both? I’d be left an orphan.”

“Nothing’s going to happen to us,” said Biggles reassuringly. “It’ll be all right. Besides, if anything did happen to us, the others here would take care of you, wouldn’t you?” he asked, turning to the others.

“I don’t think you should go, Dad,” repeated Sebastian stubbornly. “Maybe you should let Uncle Algy go instead.”


  1. Ooh... this is brilliant! And tense! So many good Algy moments :) Can't wait for chapter 9! :) And doesn't 'Uncle Algy' sound so sweet? x

  2. Excellent update, Soppy. Well worth the wait. Algy's in a tricky spot, isn't he? But knowing you, he'll probably be in worse before this yarn resolves itself! :-S

  3. Great chapter Soppy - and at least Biggles is not yet behaving badly. Poor Algy - I feel for him:

    "Expectations?” repeated Biggles incredulously. “What sort of thoughts do you think I’m thinking?”

    “I don’t know,” replied Algy. “Frankly, that’s what worries me the most.”

  4. It's probably not a good sign that Jane has not yet arrived on the scene, but the fighting is already starting--Ginger and Seb are clearly never going to be friends, and Biggles and Algy are starting to disagree about stuff as well.


  5. That just leaves Bertie to hold everything together then!

  6. Ummm...Soppy, don't be too hard on Biggles, please....please? I can't bear the thought of the dastardly Jane causing trouble between him and Algy - again!!! You know I'm just as defensive of Biggles as you are of Algy, don't you...and you live a whole lot closer to me than any of the others.....1-SS

  7. I wouldn't put too much hope in Bertie just yet, SA.

    As I recall, RSG, nothing that much happened to Biggles in Biggles Married. He didn't get kicked out of his house, he didn't get shot at, he didn't get his face on the papers etc etc. In Biggles Married pretty much NOTHING happened to Biggles. It all happened to Algy. I was very good to Biggles.

    I was.


  8. Biggles only broke his arm - nothing really in comparison with Algy's suffering. And all Biggles' own fault anyway for marrying her in the first place.

  9. I'm sure she put some sort of a spell on Biggles - because he behaved very soppily. And it was the trouble she caused between Biggles and Algy that really made me dislike her extremely intensely...
    I'm sure that if Biggles had been in his right mind he'd have never agreed to kicking Algy out the way he did...just saying... 0:-)
    It's Biggles and Algy's friendship I'm concerned about here, folks...not Biggles' physical wellbeing :-SS

  10. I don't think you're going to like the way this story turns out then...Jane's back in full force, or she will in the next couple of chapters.

  11. Algy said: " haven't seen her for over ten years. She might have changed from the person she was."
    WELL! Considering the last time we saw Jane she was busy firing bullets and insults at Biggles and shooting Algy with a pink hand gun, it's hard to imagine how any change in her personality could be for the worse!

    On second thoughts this IS a Sopppy fic.

    Now you've got me really worried for Algy's well-being...!

  12. Well, look on the bright side. She might have grown as a person...


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© The Algy Chronicles
Maira Gall