Biggles and Son: Chapter 21.

by Sopwith

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own, any of the Biggles series characters used in this work. This fan fiction was written for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered part of the official storyline.

Warning: Non canon type fan fiction works may contain severe time mix-ups and character deviations.

Algy stared at Jane with his mouth gaping open in complete amazement. “What?” he managed, when he had found his voice again. “I’m what?”

“You are in love with me, aren’t you? I can’t believe I didn’t see it sooner. I must have been blind,” said Jane, slipping off her sunglasses and turning to stare at Algy. “How long has this been going on?”

“How long has what been going on?”

“You were the one who came to rescue me fourteen years ago, when I got kidnapped,” said Jane.

“Yes, and you shot me!”

Jane ignored him, continuing blissfully on. “And then you volunteered for this mission. You did all of that because you wanted to be with me, didn’t you? And that was why you were so upset about me and Stefan—you were jealous! Of course you didn’t dare to say anything about your feelings because I’m James’ wife, and he’s your friend. I see it all now.”

Algy threw up his hands. “I’m not in love with you!”

“Oh, honey, you don’t have to pretend. But I hope you understand when I tell you that it just isn’t meant to be. I mean, even if I did like you back, which I don’t, it would never work. I’m with Stefan now. You need to accept that.”

Algy felt as though he were banging his head against a particularly stubborn brick wall. “I’m. NOT. In. Love. With. You.”

Jane just smiled.

At that moment, Brechovich came around the corner of the restaurant and saw the two of them. He froze in his tracks, eyes darting from one to the other. “What happens?” he demanded, suspiciously, a hand already reaching in his pocket.

Jane rushed forward with an expression of distress plastered on her face, to press her head against Brechovich’s chest, all the while babbling away in Russian. Algy naturally did not understand a word of the conversation, but when he heard Jane sob and saw Brechovich’s eyes swivel towards him with all the friendliness of a hawk eyeing a rabbit, he realized that it was probably time to leave.

And not a moment too soon.

As he turned and dashed forward, he heard the first shot ring out behind him, ricocheting off of the restaurant wall a few inches behind him.

“Dash it!” he gasped, as he ran. “Confound that woman! What sort of game is she playing at?”

He threw a glance over his shoulder to find Brechovich following him, gun in hand, his eyes steely with hatred. Under the circumstances he couldn’t really find it in his heart to blame the Russian for being angry, but he was by no means prepared to stand there and be shot either.

Running out to the front of the restaurant, he felt his heart leap with sudden hope as he caught sight of Brechovich’s car parked just in front of the restaurant entrance. He hadn’t seen the Russian take his keys out of the car earlier. They might still be in the car.

Algy was just making his way towards the car when Brechovich fired another shot at him. This one came close enough to take a sliver of cloth off of the shoulder of Algy’s jacket. Then, surprisingly, from the opposite direction, there was an answering shot, and Algy glanced up to see Biggles bearing down towards the car, an expression of utter fury on his face.  


  1. Oh dear! It's all too much for my nerves to take - *puts hand on head and staggers* I think I'll have to go and have a little lie down in a darkened room before I will feel fit to comment. Except for just one thing: POOR ALGY!!!!!
    How can he possibly be saved now?

  2. OH NO!!! Ahh. What can I say? *sob*
    Well JJ, I'll join you - it's just that I'm going to a bunker to hide...
    This had better end happily. Algy is going to be full of bullets in a minute. Btw, where's Sebastian??

  3. I have now recovered sufficiently to read this chapter a second time. I still can't believe what Biggles has done!
    I was prepared for Biggles to thump Algy - but shoot him!!!

    And there was I thinking he'd gone off for a cry - and he'd actually gone off to get himself a gun. Bad boy!! (Jane has obviously had a very detrimental effect on him - he's sunk to her standards)

    Either that or his emotions for her run much much deeper than I ever suspected....

    I hope Agy is wearing that bullet proof vest I wanted to give him. *sniff* It's the only thing that can save him now :(

  4. Mmm, yes *mournful expression* However, we forget that Ginger and Bertie are yet to enter the equation - I think a dramatic ' "Stop Biggles!" cried Ginger. ' Would be in order :) I also thought that Biggles was going to use his fist, JJ - but a gun!? He's just having a little dizzy spell I guess, and hopefully he'll snap out of it soon...

  5. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. I'm going back to bed to recover from this. Maybe Sebastian will save Algy: he doesn't have many other options.

  6. WHAT? You think that it would be better for Biggles to use his fists to hit Algy????? How would that sentence read?

    "Biggles' fist shot out and connected with Algy's jaw. Algy made a sound of surprise and then dropped like a stone to the ground."

    And you think *I* do horrible things to Algy!!!

  7. Well... we knew you had planned *something* terrible. I was just beginning to face it - and a gun comes into the picture... Very unexpected! Of course I would never wish any harm on our lovely boy, but this is a Soppy fan-fic :)
    P.S. Please make the bullet miss. Please. Ok, PLEASE!

  8. I must have missed this chapter being posted [shock horror] - better late than never, although, having read it twice I am not quite sure about that.

    Whilst I thoroughly agree with everybody - one small thing occurred to me - was Biggles actually shooting at Algy? I did just wonder if he was shooting at Brechovich… Can always hope…

  9. Aha, nice point. Happy thought! In vain, though, I fear. Soppy has much more in mind I'm sure... This is the first of what she called the 'everyone hates Algy' chapters!! -_-
    Actually, maybe Biggles COULD have been shooting at Jane, A.K.A. Peril in Pink (credits to JJ). Now, that would certainly make a lot more sense, considering what she was... and is :)

  10. Algy trying desperately to explain to Biggles how he's not in love with Jane while Jane whines in the background about how Algy has secretly been in love with her for years and years.

    Somehow under those circumstances I think that Biggles would probably find Jane more convincing. There's nothing like a heated denial to make people think you've done something!

  11. The first of the 'everyone hates Algy' chapters? Oh my blood pressure! What are you doing to him?

  12. Sebastian is definitely going to need therapy after all this. First he sees his Uncle Algy kissing his mom, then he(presumably)sees his dad trying to shoot his uncle...then he (probably)sees his mom throwing herself into the arms of a thuggish killer who only a short while earlier had been attempting to kill him and his dad ....
    Poor kid!
    What you might call an eventful day for him in more ways than one!

  13. Somehow I doubt that Jane's son would find those events too eventful. He's probably used to crazy days!


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© The Algy Chronicles
Maira Gall