Canon Type (Longer Works)

All longer canon type fan fiction works are set post-WWII, in the Air Police period.

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own, any of the Biggles series characters used in these works. These fan fictions were written for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered part of the official storyline.

Algy Goes Alone (12 chapters)
Ginger’s Auster has been stolen by a gang of American crooks! Together with Eddie Ross and Marcel Brissac, Biggles sets out to investigate, leaving Algy to mind the office. But Algy, as we know, is not the type to sit idle and wait for the ‘phone to ring…

Sir Biggles, Order of the Camel (20 chapters)
Join Biggles in one of his most curious adventures--sent on a modern-day quest by Air Commodore Raymond to find a diamond known as the Princess on an island populated with fire-breathing dragons. 

Algy and the Rescue Flight (11 Chapters)
Algy heads out on what appears to be a routine rescue mission. Things take a startling turn when Algy is taken hostage and finds himself caught up in one of the most desperate adventures of his life. 
© The Algy Chronicles
Maira Gall