Algy Quote of the Week

Having been shot down and taken prisoner by the Japanese in Delivers the Goods, Algy is then taken to be interrogated by the Japanese admiral, Tamashoa. If you’ve ever thought it was impossible to be cool under pressure, read the following conversation and think again!
 [Tamashoa asked] “What were you doing in airplane?”
“Flying,” answered Algy.
Tamashoa appeared to see nothing facetious in this answer…“Quite so. What were you doing in sea?” he asked.
“Swimming,” replied Algy.
“Quite so. I mean, what are you doing here?” queried Tamashoa.
“Standing,” replied Algy evenly. He did not smile.
“Why?” asked Tamashoa.
“Because no one has offered me a seat.”
“Why did you carry petrol?”
“Because a plane needs petrol to fly.”
“Quite so. You are at Elephant Island?” asserted Tamashoa, getting his tenses mixed.
“No, I’m here,” corrected Algy.
“Quite so. Why are you at Elephant Island?”
“I’m not at Elephant Island,” asserted Algy, truthfully.
“There are British officers at Elephant Island.”
“Are there?”
“You tell me.”
--Biggles Delivers the Goods

If I had been the Japanese admiral, I would probably at this point have gotten up and thrown something at Algy’s head. It’s a very frustrating business to question someone who couldn’t care less about giving you the answers you’re looking for. Good old Algy!


  1. Algy at his smoothest and most quick thinking!
    Do you get the feeling he's done this sort of evasive answering thingy before - like at school perhaps? Makes me think there must be some very long-suffering headmaster somewhere in Algy's past....!

  2. Bet he liked to do it to Biggles every now and then. Like when he'd smashed his Camel or done something he shouldn't have...

  3. One of the very best Algy moments :-) I agree with JJ - I bet Algy left a trail of exasperated masters and flying instructors behind him...

  4. Definitely an Algy classic. never fails to make me smile. Do you think his headmaster said something along the lines of "smart answers will never get you anywhere, Lacey?"

  5. Or even "one of these days, Lacey, your smart answers are going to get you into trouble."

  6. "Smart answers will never get you anywhere, Lacey."
    "I don't particularly want to go anywhere, sir, so I suppose that's all right."

    Sorry. Couldn't resist. I think Algy is king when it comes to the smart answers. I can't remember anyone else doing them. Biggles might have made attempts at doing so in WWI, but not as brilliantly as Algy.

  7. When I was younger I had a little book where I wrote down a lot of my favourite quotes/scenes from various books....this one has always been one of my favourite Algy moments! ;)

  8. I don't think of Biggles as doing smart answers. Not his style. He is too serious. Bertie possibly...

  9. There was that time in Hits the Trail where he talks about Sing-hi and Sing-low. Not quite to Algy's standard but a nice try. :P

  10. still not quite in Algy's league, though. 'snake and Ladders' in Swastika is another of my favourites.

  11. YES! I love the snakes and ladders reply. It was fabulous!!


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© The Algy Chronicles
Maira Gall