Biggles Married Chapter 11.

By Sopwith 

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own, any of the Biggles series characters used in this work. This fan fiction was written for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered part of the official storyline.

Warning: Non canon type fan fiction works may contain severe time mix-ups and character deviations 

Algy, meanwhile, woke up at the doctor's office. He couldn't remember a thing about his outburst, and he didn't even remember how he'd been shot. In fact, the only things he remembered were his name, and the names of his friends, and a vague reason why they'd come to the island in the first place.

He was surprised to find a man in a white coat standing over him. "Who are you?" he asked weakly. "What are you doing to me?"

"You have the bullet, yes?" explained the man. "I help you, no?"

"You got shot, old boy," Bertie put in. "He's a jolly doctor, don’t you know."

"Did I?" asked Algy, trying to make sense of it all. "Where's Biggles?"

"Outside, I should think."

"What's he doing?"

"Having a bally fight with someone who's taken an interest in his wife,” said Bertie dryly.

"Oh," said Algy. "How nice."

"You no get up. Wound very bad," the doctor told Algy. "You lie down, rest, no?"

"I don't want to rest." Algy was already sitting up and reaching for his jacket. "I need to help Biggles."

"No, you don't,” said Bertie. “Just lie still and rest, old boy, I can help him."

"No," said Algy firmly. "Who knows what danger Biggles might be in. He might need both of us."

Nothing Bertie said could change Algy's mind. Algy burst through the door of the makeshift hospital, and ran outside as fast as he could.


Biggles and Von Stalhein were still at it, hammer and tongs, shouting at each other. Algy skidded to a halt in front of them, panting.

"Algy!" cried Ginger. "What are you doing here? You should be resting!"

"No time to rest," replied Algy, looking meaningfully at Biggles and the German. “What goes on now? Has someone won yet?”

"...I said, get your eyes off my wife!!!!"

"I am not looking at your wife!" shouted back Von Stalhein. "I am simply looking ahead. It is not fault that your wife is in the way!"

"Well, look in some other direction then!"

"Why do you always take the pretty girls first!" yelled Von Stalhein, waving Jane’s pink gun about in a highly dangerous manner.

"Trouble," growled Algy, pulling out his gun.

"Here, what are you going to do?" demanded Ginger, getting worried.

"I'm going to make sure nothing happens to Biggles," replied Algy. "If Von Stalhein shoots him, I want to be ready to shoot Von Stalhein back."

Jane was between the two men, looking pleased and terrified at the same time. Ginger thought he saw a Victorian heroine type of expression cross her face. She was practically wringing her hands. "James, please. Don't fight here! It’s so embarrassing--"

"Go away, Jane, stay out of this," grated Biggles.

Jane burst into tears.

Algy offered her his handkerchief.

"Algy!" exclaimed Biggles, suddenly noticing him. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you think? I’m helping my best friend. "

Jane sobbed helplessly into Algy's (new) handkerchief. Algy held his gun loosely, ready to use at a moment's notice. Bertie appeared behind Algy. He, too, had his gun at the ready.

Biggles and Von Stalhein looked angry enough to start killing each other bare-handed.

Von Stalhein's men were getting bored, shuffling their feet in the sand. MacLaren was trying to make peace. Ginger was mulling over the mission, which was why they were there in the first place. Weren't they supposed to take back the island or something? He couldn’t even remember now. Everything had become so complicated.

"'re a dirty dog! I've said it once and I'll say it again! In England we call a spade a spade..."

"And in England you also have the stiff upper lip and good temper, yes?" inquired Von Stalhein acidly.

"Please don't fight," sniffed Jane.

"You've upset my wife!"

"I did nothing! You upset her!"

Ginger sighed very, very deeply...


  1. HELP!!!!!!! That's for me, not for Jane, Ginger, Bertie, Algy, dear Erich, etc. who are quite capable of looking after themselves - even if Biggles patently isn't else he would never have married her.

    I am not sure I'm going to survive this experience...

  2.'re still here. That's a good sign, isn't it?

  3. I'm not quite sure about that :-)))))

  4. Be's still going to get if you're worried now...

  5. After tomorrow I'm not sure what internet connection, if any, I'll have for the next month. So I'll JUST HAVE TO WAIT and see. I'm not sure I'll be able to cope with the suspense.

  6. What suspense? Just imagine all of them going crazier and crazier, and you've probably got the main idea of the story!

  7. But that's just it. I can't imagine it getting any crazier!

  8. Neither could I at one point...and then I found that all things, when pushed to the limit, usually develop a new limit...


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© The Algy Chronicles
Maira Gall