Biggles Married Chapter 6.

By Sopwith

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own, any of the Biggles series characters used in this work. This fan fiction was written for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered part of the official storyline

Warning: Non canon type fan fiction works may contain severe time mix-ups and character deviations. 

Back at the hotel Biggles was telling the others about Carter, and showing them the map that he had been given. Jane huddled in an armchair in the corner of the room, biting her nails nervously.

"Are you all right, Jane?" asked Biggles anxiously. "You look a bit pale."

"Of course I'm all right," snapped his wife. "Why shouldn't I be?"

"-so we should get some torches-" Algy continued, ignoring Jane and talking to Bertie and Ginger.

"When you go over, you should be able to—” began Ginger.

Jane hugged a cushion and let out a sob.

All four airmen looked over at her, astonished.

"Er, Jane, dear?" said Biggles, tentatively.

Algy looked at Ginger and shrugged. He caught Bertie's eye and shrugged again.

"What's the matter?" Biggles asked, going over to his wife and putting an arm awkwardly around her.

"I don't want to die yet!!!!" howled Jane. "I'm too young to die!!!"

"Nobody's going to die," Biggles said firmly. "Not if I can help it, anyway."

"And all your friends are smoking!!!"

The airmen exchanged glances and as one put out their cigarettes

"I say, old girl." Bertie polished his monocle as he talked. "I don't understand, what? If you don't want to come on the jolly old mission, then why come?"

"What don't you understand?" demanded Jane in exasperated tones, her face red with anger.

"Why you want to come on this mission?"

"I have to be with James! It's bad luck to let your husband out of your sight before the honeymoon's over--or in my case, hasn't even started!"

Biggles caught Algy's eye and gave a helpless shrug.


Biggles stood by his machine and looked down at his wife. "So long, old girl," he said, giving Jane a quick kiss. "I'll be back soon. There's probably nothing wrong with this island of Raymond's. Don't worry."

Jane wept into her handkerchief. "Don't go, James," she pleaded. "Don't leave me here!"

"There, there." Biggles patted her hair in a vaguely comforting gesture. "You get some money out of the bank and go…er…shopping or something. Enjoy yourself. Call up your friends."

Jane sobbed. "I'll wear your handkerchief over my heart until you come back, James."

Algy, in the pilot’s seat, choked.

"And don't smoke!" were Jane's last words as they took off.


The first thing Biggles did upon landing was pull out a cigarette and light it.

Algy looked at him as he got out of the plane. "I thought your wife told you not to smoke," he said.

"Did she?" murmured Biggles, with an expression of innocent surprise. "Oh, yes, she did, didn't she."

He continued his smoke.

Algy grinned.


  1. Oh, Sopwith, this is just absolutely priceless! I am iin hysterics after reading this chapter. Just love the way the other three interact (or don't) with Jane. Please tell me why Biggles married her.....

  2. The other three were quite tactful about things, weren't they?

    I have no idea why Biggles married Jane. I expect he wasn't thinking very clearly when he said "I do."

    At least he gets to smoke in this chapter.


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© The Algy Chronicles
Maira Gall