Biggles and Son: Chapter 9.

by Sopwith

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own, any of the Biggles series characters used in this work. This fan fiction was written for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered part of the official storyline.

Warning: Non canon type fan fiction works may contain severe time mix-ups and character deviations. 

Bertie took Sebastian’s side, and so, unexpectedly, did Ginger. Biggles, slightly peeved, announced that he was going for a walk, and donning his hat and jacket, went out, taking his son with him.

Algy took advantage of the pair’s temporary absence to explain the situation to the other two.

“I knew it!” said Ginger. “That woman’s got some trick up her sleeve, you mark my words. She’s not in it to catch some Russian spy. She wants Biggles back. Ten to one this is all some sort of set-up. Goodness knows if Sebastian is even really his son.”

Bertie polished his monocle thoughtfully. “Bit of a jolly kettle of fish, what?” he murmured.

“If I had my way we’d fly ourselves out of the country and stay there,” declared Algy. “As it is, we’ve got Raymond and the chaps at MI5 breathing down our necks, expecting us to bend over backwards for her.”

“That woman’s trouble,” said Ginger darkly.

“And what about it?” demanded Algy, with weary impatience. “I know that, you two know that, and no doubt Raymond knows that as well. Biggles is another matter. He’d risk his life for her without a thought.”

Bertie replaced his monocle and eyed the other two airmen. “Well, chaps,” he said. “This is very well, but what are we going to do about it?”


Biggles returned to the flat with Sebastian in tow. His expression was grim. “Let’s talk,” he said curtly, as the others looked up from the various tasks they had been occupying themselves with.

Algy sat up slowly from the chair he had been slouched in, carefully closing his book and laying it on the table in front of him with deliberate casualness. “What about?” he inquired coolly.

“You know what about! Jane!”

Algy did not move. “What about her?”

“I’ve been thinking. You’re probably right. It’s best you go instead of me. It might get complicated if I was the one flying the plane and working with Jane.”

“Good,” said Algy, with faint approval in his tone. “I knew you’d see sense—”

“It might be the best thing to do, but that’s not what I’m going to do,” interrupted Biggles.

There was a silence in the living room.

“What?” said Ginger, disbelief in his tone.

“I said, even though it might not be the best thing to do, I’m going to go and meet Jane in East London tonight. I’m going to be the pilot for the Russian spy.” Biggles took out his cigarette case and shook out a cigarette with steady fingers. “She’s my wife, and even though I know the rest of you would do your best to help her, you’d be doing it for me, not her. It’s not that I don’t trust all of you—” He held up a hand to silence the clamor of protests that had broken out. “I just think that this is something I have to do on my own.”

“Are you off your head?” demanded Algy. “What’s got into you?”

“I don’t want to hear any more about it,” said Biggles firmly. “Algy, you’ll of course take over while I do this. I’ll take some personal leave from Raymond, tell him I need some time off to get some rest—he won’t ask too much, he’s been trying to get me to take leave for ages anyway.”

“You can’t seriously be going through with this, Chief?” Ginger said, glaring at Sebastian as if it were the boy’s fault.


“Wouldn’t want to intrude, old boy, and all that sort of thing—” began Bertie. “But really, I mean, bit of a bally situation, this, what?”

“I’m going,” said Biggles. “In fact, I’m going now. I just came back to bring Sebastian back.”

Quick as a flash Algy moved and positioned himself in front of the door. “No, you’re not,” he said promptly. “If you’re planning on going to the meeting, you’ll have to go through me first.”


  1. I can sense trouble brewing already.

    *evil grin*

  2. Oh Biggles, Biggles, Biggles... *shaking head sadly*
    Sometimes I think the only way to make him see sense where that woman is concerned is for one of his friends to give him a bash on the bokko..... :(

  3. Soppy!!!!!!!!! Give Biggles a break...get rid of that silly woman. I think she's more Algy's type anyway.... :|

  4. Give Biggles a knock on the head? Good idea! ...No, seriously, I think - and I'm sure we all agree - that Jane is the one who needs, shall we say, eliminating? Hmm... interesting developments Soppy :)

  5. What is really worrying me is what this is going to do to Algy's and Biggles' relationship - AGAIN.

    I mean to say - how is Biggles going to react to Algy barring his way and stopping him? Biggles can be very obstinate and there is nothing he hates more than being told he cannot do something.

    ALAS! Algy, I am crossing my fingers for you. Maybe Ginger and Bertie could trip Biggles up, sprain his ankle, both wrists - has Bertie still got his dog do you think? I mean the one that Biggles fell over in Spitfire Parade and sprained his wrist.

  6. I also meant to say - HOW CAN BIGGLES BE SO STUPID!!!!! When it comes to women he is HOPELESS :(

  7. Biggles has always been blind when it comes to women. Especially Jane. And now with Sebastian in the mix...

    I'd love to hit Biggles over the head. I don't think RSG and SA will approve though. Maybe a light tap...?

    RSG said:
    Soppy!!!!!!!!! Give Biggles a break...get rid of that silly woman. I think she's more Algy's type anyway....

    Are you implying that only silly women like Algy, or that Algy only likes silly women? Be careful here, RSG!

  8. Not sure I can be completely careful with Biggles behaving in this manner, Soppy!! You'd better look after my boy :-S
    As for Algy and jane...just saying is all.... O:-)

  9. YOUR boy????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Careful RSG...

  10. Oooops....Sorry SA. I really meant OUR boy O:-)

  11. Once you're all done arguing about who Biggles belongs to, maybe some advice as to whether or not Biggles knocks Algy's block off to get to the door of the flat and to the meeting with his lady wife...?

    Or if Algy knocks Biggles' block off...?

  12. If Biggles knocks Algy's block off then that's it for me with him :(
    All my sympathies will instantly evaporate - Jane can have him - it would be no more than he deserved....

    Maybe Algy, Bertie and Ginger could all jump him and tie him to the newel post or something, like Odysseus when his crew had to tie him to the mast to stop him rushing off to the deadly Sirens.

    Drastic times call for drastic measures. Might be the only way to save Biggles from himself.... and from Jane's dastardly clutches.

  13. Can't quite see what Biggles sees in her. But then again I never got what he saw in Marie either. I do think it's not out of character for him to be so protective though. If Biggles ever got married he would definitely defend her to the last gasp if need be.

    Of course, if his wife were nicer, the others might be more willing to pitch in and help with the protecting bit.

  14. Since Jane is your creation, Soppy, I have given up all hope of Biggles behaving sensibly around her. Someone needs to write him a nice adventurous, but honourable wife who would treat him properly. Then Algy'd be happy too...

  15. RSG said "... honourable wife who would treat him properly. Then Algy'd be happy too..."

    Not sure that Algy would be happy - it would rather mess up the team if one of them got married. Unless Algy got married too of course. And then I should think their wives would make them both retire and leave the younger generation to carry on :)

  16. I should think that any wife Biggles or Algy had would be sadly neglected in favor of buried treasure and smugglers and whatnot.

    Knowing Biggles, he'll ask his wife to answer the phone when he's gone!

  17. "Knowing Biggles, he'll ask his wife to answer the phone when he's gone!"
    Too true, Soppy :D come he hasn't relegated Jane to that particular position of cheerful neglect?

    "Not sure that Algy would be happy - it would rather mess up the team if one of them got married. Unless Algy got married too of course. And then I should think their wives would make them both retire and leave the younger generation to carry on :)"
    You're probably right, SA. Any women those two married would have to be incredibly understanding - not to mention tolerant of Biggles' smoking....8:|

  18. Some random girl to marry OUR Algy?!
    *faints of jealousy and shock at the idea*
    Biggles being married is bad enough... but Algy? Phew, Soppy, save us all from this terror...

  19. Oh, I don't know...couldn't be any worse than what she's done to Biggles :(( Don't forget there are some of us who are fainting with jealousy and shock at the very idea of Biggles getting married. Keep the two of them single, I say. Just as wej did ;)

  20. Mm yes, RSG. Agreed! :) *sign the petition... hand to Soppy*

  21. I'm definitely keeping Algy single. Bit biased in that.

    As for Biggles, well, he never had any sense where women were concerned. It's his own fault this is happening. ^#(^


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Maira Gall